



1. Engine (??nd??n) - 发动机 - Power source of a vehicle

2. Battery (?b?t?ri) - 电池 - Stores electrical energy for starting the engine and powering electronic components

3. Transmission (tr?ns?m???n) - 变速器 - Controls power distribution from the engine to the wheels

4. Brake (bre?k) - 刹车 - Device for slowing down or stopping the vehicle

5. Suspension (s??sp?n??n) - 悬挂系统 - System of springs, shocks, and other components that support the vehicle's weight and provide a smooth ride

6. Steering (?st?r??) - 转向系统 - Mechanism for controlling the direction of the vehicle

7. Exhaust (?ɡ?z?st) - 排气系统 - System that removes waste gases from the engine

8. Radiator (?re?di?e?t?r) - 散热器 - Cooling device that removes heat from the engine

9. Alternator (?l?t?rn?e?t?r) - 发电机 - Converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy to power the vehicle's electrical system

10. Fuel pump (fju??l p?mp) - 燃油泵 - Device that delivers fuel from the tank to the engine

