
by accident是介词短语吗?


回答:by accident是介词短语。

happened to是固定搭配吗?

happen to有两种用法。
1.happen to 动词原形:碰巧,偶然
如:I happened to meet her in the park yesterday evening.(昨晚我碰巧在公园遇见了她。)
to sb.:某人发生某事
如:A car accident happened to Jim last night.(昨晚吉姆出了车祸。)

in case of an accident是从句吗?

不是的。in case of an accident是介词短语,详解如下。
从句(Subordinate Clause)是复合句中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、whom,when,why,where。how,which等引导词(Connective)引导的非主句部分。包含一个限定动词,但不构成一个完整的句子的一组词,它在所属的长句中,或作为一个名词,一个副词,一个形容词,或者包含从属于它的一个或更多的从句,或被这个或这些从句所修饰,或和另一相等的从句相结合。

by accident的近义句?

近义句是by chance ,中文意思是偶然;意外地
In this house nothing is there by chance: it is always the result of great deliberation.在这房子里,没有什么东西是偶然的——总是非常仔细考虑后的结果。
I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl came up to me.我碰巧来到这里,正在看热闹,这时一个女孩向我走来。