
may be后用any还是some?


一般情况下,这是向别人请求,为了表示委婉,要用some 如May I have some milk


may i come inyes,pleaseMay I have a hot dog? 原句意思:我可以来一只热狗(夹小红肠的面包)吗?
如果行:Yes, please.或 Sure, be my guest.如果不行: Sorry, I#39m afraid not. 如果你是老长辈,对你的儿孙们可以说: Yes, you may.或No, you mustn#39t.望学习进步,事业顺心。不明白的可以继续问哦!(*^__^*)

may i开头的句子?

下面列举一些may i开头的句子:
May I help you(有什么可以帮您的吗?)
May I have your name(请问您贵姓?)
May I speak to you in private?(我能私下同你谈谈吗?)
May I ask why you took that decision(我可否问一下您为什么做出那样的决定?)
May I come with you to San Francisco(我可否与你共赴旧金山?)
May I pay by credit card(我可否用信用卡支付?)


1.(1) Whos this man Hes my
(2)Whos that woman,Shes my mother.
2.(1) Is this your sister,Yes, she is.
(2) Is that boy your cousinNo, he isnt
3.Who are youMy name is Sam.
当接电话不知道对方是谁时,就可以使用句式:Whos that,please
I speak to +人名,please?/May I have a word with+人名?意思为“我能和……讲话吗?”。
Hello,is that+人名+speaking?/Is+人名+in?意思为“你是某人吗?/某人在吗
1.Whats your father/mother你的父亲/母亲是做什么的
Hes a doctor./Shes a teacher.他是一名医生。/她是一名教师。
2.What does your mother/father do你的母亲/父亲是做什么的
Shes a TV reporter./Hes a teacher.He teaches English.
3.Whos that man/woman那位男士/女士是谁
Hes my father./Shes my mother.他是我父亲。/她是我母亲。
4.Whos this boy/girl那个男孩儿/女孩儿是谁
Hes my brother./Shes my sister.他是我兄弟。/她是我姐妹。
5.Whos your art teacher你们的美术老师是谁
Miss Wang.王老师。
Whats she like她长什么样儿
Shes young and thin.她很年轻、苗条。