



自从牛顿的万有引力成功地应用于天文学,与近地天体运动(太阳系)行星运动的观察值完全相符,物理学的目光就聚焦于各种“力“的探索:引力、重力、电磁力等等 ,那些走在物理研究最前沿的物理学家一直致力于探索统一“大尺度空间的更为基础的“力“。为此不惜打破时空的自统一性,想从时间与空间的分离上找到这个决定物质世界秩序生成更为基础的“力“,但无论怎样努力,至今毫无结果。割裂了时空的关联性,物质世界就丧失了最根本的属性:时空可延展特性,这吋候,我们的物理学家们就走上了否定物质本体性,“存在“,非理性的之路。我们不给这些物理学家戴唯心论的大帽子,但科学探索之路还是走偏了。能量,是物质存在的一种形式,能量的激发,无论是何种原因导致的,其表现形式不就是“力“的作用吗!所有的“力“大尺度空间的“力“道,无论是长程作用力还是短程作用“力“不都是时空延展上能量的作用形式吗?物理学家认可大尺度空间,有形“物“只占其中很小的一部分,不足5%,其他,主要是“暗“能量就占到73%。为什么不台能从能量场的角度了解宇宙间最基本的“力“呢?为什么不从能量场的统一性寻找宇宙大尺度空间的“序“发生与“序“决定呢!我想,这就是解开物质世界“时空“延展之门的钥匙。



Huainanzi(Masters in the Kingdom of Huainan) says that it was because of the characters Cangjie made that the Heaven rained grains and the ghosts cried at night.Xunzi(Hsun Tzu) and Shijing (The Book of Odes) and other ancient books also record he legend of Cangjie creating Chinese characters. By the Qin (221-206BC) and Han (206BC-220AD) dynasties, the legend had become more widespread and had more far-reaching influence.
Historians in the past once tried to prove whether there was a person named Cangjie in the history, and if there was one, when he lived, but they failed to draw a conclusion due to lack of irrefutable proofs.
Some people guessed that Cangjie was the historiographer of the Yellow Emperor. Xunzi thought Cangjie must have been a prehistoric wise man who sorted out and standardized the characters that had already been in use.
Evidently the legend of Cangjie creating Chinese characters cannot be accepted as the truth, for any script can only be a creation developed by the people to meet the needs of social life over a long period of trial and experiment. Chinese characters are a huge and complicated system, and it could only come into being after a long period of creation and development.