



n. 瓦伦蒂娜(女子名)


2: From Here to Eternity: Zoila and Valentina face a serious decision about their future.



n. (意)瓦伦蒂诺(姓氏);华伦天奴(品牌名)


Virtually every woman in the #3920s swooned over Valentino.






1、意思:可以从一粒沙子里,看一个一个广阔的世界;一朵花里,可以看见一个天堂的美好。手掌里抓住无限的回忆,那一刻就是永恒的瞬间。 2、出自英国作者威廉·布莱克《天真的预言》。 原文: To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour. 翻译: 一粒沙看出世界,一朵花里见天国。 手掌里盛住无限,一刹那便是永远。


你好,下面是歌词翻译,不满意的话可以修改 Chris Brown - Forever  克里斯布朗 - 永恒.  1, 2, 3, 4  一,二,三,四!  Hey! Hey!  嘿!嘿!  Forever  永远!  Hey! Hey!  嘿!嘿!  Forever  永远!  Its you and me  你跟我,  Moving at the speed of light into eternity  共同在飞速的灯火中进入永恒.  Tonight is the night  今晚,就在今晚.  To join me in the middle of ecstasy  跟我一起意乱情迷.  Feel the melody and the rhythm of the music  感受这音乐的旋律和节奏,  Around you, around you  环绕着你的那些.  Ima take you there, Ima take you there  我会带你去向那里,去向那里.  So dont be scared, Im right here, ready?  别怕,我的宝贝,我就在这.准备好了么?  We can go anywhere, go anywhere  我们可以去任何,任何地方.  But first, its your chance, take my hand, come with me  但是,你首先得拉着我的手,跟我一起走.  Its like I waited my whole life for this one night  如同我为了这一晚,我等待着我的生命.  Its gon be me, you and the dance floor  一切只会有我,你,还有这块舞池.  Cause we only got one night  因为我们只得到了这一个晚上.  Double your pleasure, double your fun  释放你的欢乐,让我们的开心加倍.  And dance forever-ever-ever  永远跳着舞...舞...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远..  Forever  永远.  (Forever)  Ever-ever-ever  曾经...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever on the dance floor  永远在舞池中起舞..  Feels like were on another level  就好像我们的爱有了另一个水平,  Feels like our loves intertwined  好像它在缠绕着.  We can be two rebels  我们成为了两个现实的叛徒.  Breaking the rules, me and you, you and I  打破了一切教条,我跟你,你和我.  All you gotta do is watch me  你可以做的就是看着我.  Look what I can do with my feet  看我的脚可以跳出什么舞步.  Baby, feel the beat inside  宝贝,感觉我们内心的颤动.  Im driving, you could take the front seat  我在驾驶着舞动,你可以靠到前面来.  Just need you to trust me, oh oh oh  我只需要你的信任.喔喔喔喔喔!!  Its like now  就像现在.  Its like I waited my whole life for this one night  如同我为了这一晚,我等待着我的生命.  Its gon be me, you and the dance floor  一切只会有我,你,还有这块舞池.  Cause we only got one night  因为我们只得到了这一个晚上.  Double your pleasure, double your fun  释放你的欢乐,让我们的开心加倍.  And dance forever-ever-ever  永远跳着舞...舞...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远..  Forever  永远.  (Forever)  Ever-ever-ever  曾经...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever on the dance floor  永远在舞池中起舞..  Its a long way down, we so high off the ground  长长的坠落,我们离地面有如此之高.  Sending for an angel to bring me your heart  我想放出天使,带我到你的心里去.  Girl, where did you come from? Got me so undone  宝贝,你从哪来?你让我如此心灵解脱.  Gaze in your eyes got me saying  我边说着甜言蜜语,边凝视你的眼睛  What a beautiful lady, no ifs, ands or maybes  这是多么美好的一天,没有一切的不确定因素.  Im releasing my heart and its feeling amazing  我放开了自己的心,一切感觉如此的刺激.  Theres no one else that matters, you love me  再没有什么疑问了,你爱上了我.  And I wont let you fall girl, let you fall girl  所以,我不会让你坠落..不会..  I wont let you fall, let you fall, let you fal  所以,我不会让你坠落..不会..  Yeah yeah, yeah yeah  耶耶耶耶...  Its like I waited my whole life for this one night  如同我为了这一晚,我等待着我的生命.  Its gon be me, you and the dance floor  一切只会有我,你,还有这块舞池.  Cause we only got one night  因为我们只得到了这一个晚上.  Double your pleasure, double your fun  释放你的欢乐,让我们的开心加倍.  And dance forever-ever-ever  永远跳着舞...舞...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远..  Forever  永远.  (Forever)  Ever-ever-ever  曾经...  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever on the dance floor  永远在舞池中起舞..  Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh yeah  喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔..喔耶,  Forever-ever-ever-ever  永远....  Forever-ever oh  永远....喔  请你给的分数多一些,谢谢!